
  • December - 2013

A Windows Store Apps, I built the AllTheGames app to keep track of my own games collection, and ultimately ended up sharing on the store for others to use.


When it was announced Windows 8 would support apps I was thrilled! I had already had prior experience building small pieces of software in C# using WebForms and WPF so applying those skills to an app platform was ideal for me.

AllTheGames - Storage Options
AllTheGames - Storage Options

AllTheGames was my venture into Windows Store Apps, a gaming companion app for keeping track of your games inventory.

AllTheGames - Game List
AllTheGames - Game List

Using thegamesdb as an Api endpoint for content, AllTheGames could search and return games listings and then populate them with the user's own data (such as 'currently playing', 'owned' and 'wishlist').

AllTheGames - Add Game
AllTheGames - Add Game

AllTheGames helped me further my .net and Xaml skills I had utilized previously with my Silverlight work, and apply them in an App ecosystem. It introduced me to async/await in C# and using HttpClient to call external Apis (such as App Data, OneDrive data, and thegamesdb).

AllTheGames - Game Search
AllTheGames - Game Search

Other Technologies and Practices