
  • April - 2012

My primary pet project. Started in 2012 from a simple blogger theme, g33k3ry.com was my side-hobby blog and guinea-pig for testing out any web technologies I take an interest in.


G33k3ry.com was the other site I ran between 2012 and 2015. As well as code I enjoy video games, movies and general tinkering of old tech, so I built G33k3ry.com as a place to share my reviews and how-tos.

g33k3ry.com Homepage
g33k3ry.com Homepage

G33k3ry was my most ambitious Umbraco based website at the time and helped me hone my skills and learn more about ASP.net MVC. However it became my main go-to guinea project for apply new concepts. At the end of 2014 I took abstraction of g33k3ry.com to the next level by introducing a CQRS layer between the presentation layer of the site and the Umbraco backend api. As a result I was able to separate myself from the locked down constraints of the Umbraco Razer markup and build my own presentation layer using standard ASP.net MVC. This also allowed me to introduce the likes of dependency injection, mocking/testing and AOP for caching data.

Since moving on from this pet project, I decided to migrate the content out of the underlying Umbraco CMS into a "CMS as a service" solution. Allowing me to focus on writing simple microservices, rather than maintaining a legacy CMS.

Other Technologies and Practices